Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the IPSO factory.

Export of Products

Export of IPSO products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All IPSO products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant IPSO: washing and wringing machines of hard and soft fastening, drying machines and cabinets, semi-industrial laundry equipment of small loading, automatic ironing and feeding machines, linen folding machines
  • Unsprung stirs. cars IPSO
    Unsprung stirs. cars
    IA80, IA135, BC60, BC100, etc.
  • Sprung stirs. cars IPSO
    Sprung stirs. cars
    IY80, IY105, IY350, IY600, IY800, etc.
  • Barrier washing machines IPSO
    Barrier washing machines
    IH180, IH240, IMB700, IB1800, etc.
  • Drying machines IPSO
    Drying machines
    DR50, DR445, IHP190, IHP285, etc.
  • Drying cabinets IPSO
    Drying cabinets
    DC4, DC8, DC16, DC8NR, FDC6, etc.
  • Semi-industrial machines IPSO
    Semi-industrial machines
    CD10, CS10, CW10, FW60, etc.
  • Ironing machines IPSO
    Ironing machines
    FCI320, ACL80K, FCIFF500, etc.
  • Feeding. machines and folding machines IPSO
    Feeding. machines and folding machines
    AVFV30, AAFV35, ATFV-MF, etc.


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